Penta slider systems

What is a Penta Slider?

The Versus Penta slider is an extremely easy and quick system to open curtainsiders, it slides the side curtain both at the top and bottom through an aluminium rail. The Penta Slider owes its name to the roller specifically designed for this system. This Penta roller with 5 wheels ensures that the side curtains slide through both rails without any friction. The curtain folds up in one swoop and folds compactly. Unlike traditional curtainsiders, the Versus Penta Slider works without buckles.

No longer dealing with open blowing curtains or tightening dirty buckles. The Versus Penta Slider is always ready to go!

User friendly and multifunctional

The Penta Slider systems combine all possible curtainsider- and sliding roof systems in one concept:

A quick and comfortable “slider”- system on the one side, a traditional curtainsider or even a fixed wall on the other side, and when wanted an optional sliding roof on top. A Penta Slider, a Trike curtainsider and a Versus sliding roof, can all be combined; to create a multifunctional design.

A combination to suit everyone!

1 system, 7 applications

The Versus Penta Slider System is available in seven different applications.

• For trailers up to 13,6 m Versus offers the Penta Wave; a slider system with reinforced profiles that meets the EN 12642 XL standard for cargo safety.

• The Penta Wave Pro; Metal folding plates and a load securing plate multiply your load securing options.

• The Penta Wave Wall; Our famous slider equipped with aluminium panels: no loading limits.

• The Penta Wave / Wave Pro / Wave Wall Axces offers you the advantages of the Penta Wave / Wave Pro / Wave Wall, combined with a roof lifting system.

• The Penta City is especially developed for sustainable city distribution and short bodies up to 8,5 m.

• The Penta Wave Mega Axces gives you the option to drive with an elevated roof.

• The Penta Swing offers a side curtain that can be swung over the front/rear of your truck/trailer.


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